
so the big news is that this past fortnight I finished university! For ever!

I was so busy up until the very end that it barely even registered , but it was my mum’s birthday so we did go to The Botanist for a little celebration that night.


this is their bathroom! I always love that wallpaper.

after that, I’ve been spending the past couple of weeks volunteering, catching up on some graphic design jobs, and taking just a couple of Lush baths:



I’ve also been getting back into drawing, and carrying around my Moleskine sketchbook and fine liners with me as though I’m a fancy artsy person, which feels so good. I found this forgotten gem in the front pages of it from my last sketching phase:

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and as usual, the summer weather has been just the best thing! when it chooses to show up.

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window drawings with paint marker : )

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I’ll be back soon with some more pretties but for now that’s about it!

Have a lovely week, lovelies.




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